Spring Newsletter: Reflect & Grow

Dearest Friends & Neighbors,

Imagine waking up to an eviction notice on your door. You and your beloved dog, Luna, have to leave your home soon. With no reserves to dip into, you know you’ll both have to couch hop for a while. You look into housing resources, only to learn that the waiting list to receive housing support is 2-3 years. Transitional housing may be an option, but your dog isn’t up to date on her vaccines and isn't fixed. That means you’d have to go without your best friend. You feel helpless and scared thinking about both of your futures. You’ve already lost everything. The thought of losing the one thing that brings you security and comfort is too much to bear. Then a friend tells you about Pro-Bone-O and their free veterinary clinics. You breathe a sigh of relief. Your sweet dog will get her vaccinations and a voucher to be spayed, as well as food, some new toys and a pet bed, all at no cost to you. You would do anything to ensure Luna has a roof over her head, a belly full of food, and the love you provide each other. You are finally able to get into housing, with Luna in tow, where you can work to build a brighter future for you and your best friend.

It’s dogs like Luna, as well as the human who loves them, that depend on the care and compassion from community members like you. Will you help us in supporting our mission with a donation? Your donations allow us to continue to provide these vital services to so many loved pets in Eugene and beyond.

For the past 25 years, Pro-Bone-O has stood alone as the only nonprofit in Lane County offering completely free veterinary care, food, and supplies to the pets of people experiencing homelessness. In the last 5 years, our community has seen a 72% increase in homelessness. As costs continue to rise, and homelessness becomes a reality for many folks and the pets they love, our services are more crucial than ever. We understand more than most that it takes a village to create the world that we wish to live in. We can’t do this work without your continued support. Whether that’s making a donation, volunteering your time, showing up to an event, or spreading the word about our cause, your support is incredibly meaningful to us and the pets that we serve.

Throughout our journey, we have witnessed many examples of resilience, strength, and love between humans and their pets. Each story we hear serves as a reminder of the strength of the human spirit, as well as the amazing power of the human-animal bond. Luna’s owner Tracy shares: “Pro-Bone-O has been so helpful. I had been freaking out about what to do with my dog. I tried calling veterinarians and the fees were too high. Luna is my everything. I don’t know what I would do without my dog.” Luna was examined by Pro-Bone-O’s volunteer veterinarian who administered vaccinations and gave her a voucher to be spayed at one of our partner clinics.

As we continue our mission to provide essential veterinary care to pets like Luna, we recognize the vital role that your support plays in our efforts. This year alone we have seen 160 pets, provided 30 spay/neuter vouchers, administered 180 vaccinations, provided 107 pets with flea/tick medication, offered 81 wellness exams, provided more than 500 pets with food, as well as more than 400 pets with supplies like leashes, collars, toys and pet beds. Despite all of the amazing work we do together, we still have to turn pets away at each clinic. Whether we’ve run out of time or supplies, each moment we have to say “no” weighs on us. As an organization that cares deeply about our mission, we wish we could always say “yes.” With community support from folks like you, we truly feel the weight lift as we’re able to say “yes” more than “no.” Donating your time, money, or items like pet food and supplies greatly helps us on our road to offering pets better outcomes.

We understand that times are tough for many, but even a small contribution can make a significant impact. Just $25 a month can provide vaccinations for up to ten pets each month, while $50 a month can collectively cover the cost of spaying or neutering up to six animals over the next year. Your generosity truly allows us to provide hope, compassion, and comfort to our neighbors and friends facing difficult circumstances. Together, we can make a difference—one paw, one person, and one donation at a time. Please consider making a donation today to help us continue our vital work.

With deep gratitude and sincerity,

The Pro-Bone-O Team



Development Coordinator

Pro-Bone-O is Lane County’s only non-profit solely dedicated to providing free veterinary services, food, and supplies for the pets of people who are homeless in our community.


We were on Focus on Community on KRVM 91.9FM!